World Design Capital Plans That You Can’t Miss From Now Until the End of the Year
València is a city surrounded by the brightness and brilliance of the Mediterranean, with a past and a present that is overflowing with creativity. Ever since it came to be, this creativity has been used as the most valuable tool for the city’s development over the centuries.
In this land, design is not just an expression of the designer, it is a global vision of the environment that surrounds us, where aesthetics and innovation merge with functionality, sustainability, service and education.
In this way, Vàlencia itself is a manifestation that is brimming with ingenuity, where great professionals have left their mark on every inch, every building, every monument, every mural and every element in the city, who have worked hard to develop it on a social, cultural, economic and environmental level.
Thus, València has become the World Design Capital 2022, with a programme of unique events that give us a closer look at design in its purest essence and genius.
Masterful Exhibitions
You can’t miss the magnificent exhibition on art in the form of sculptural light from “LZF’s Life Size collection at the Museum of Fine Arts in Valencia”, open until October 9th. It has an impressive display of light pieces created with the wood carving technique used by Fallas artisans, known as “vareta”.
You can learn about the historical ties between “Fallas and design” through the exhibition at the Fallas Museum between December 22nd and January 22nd. Or you can marvel at Las Naves with a collection of the best digital, graphic and product designs, all from the Valencian Community and winners of the “ADCV 2022 Awards”, which will be on display in an exhibition until September 23rd.
Other exhibitions will give you a closer look at the work of outstanding artists such as the designer Vicent Martinez, from September 20-23, at Feria València, the creator Jaime Hayon, from September 22nd to April 16th, at the Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporània; or the illustrators Jorge Lawerta and Toni Vaño Cabañes, until September 25th, at the Museo Municipal Antonio Ferri.
Enjoy the exclusive exhibition of contemporary art, “In / Disciplina, art i disseny al seu aire”, in room 30 of the Castellón Airport, until November 30th. The perfect event to enjoy contemporary creations through industrial design and artistic production.
Exclusive Festivals
You can also attend wonderful festivals. The “Miradors de l’horta”, from September 23rd to October 9th, will be an exclusive experience through guided tours, talks, tastings, live music and ephemeral and reflective art in the heart of Huerta Norte, which will reflect on food sovereignty and sustainable development in València.
But design encompasses all areas and the “Feria Hábitat València”, from September 20-23, at Feria València, will serve as a framework for more than 1,000 brands that will showcase an enormous collection of exquisite designer furniture and kitchen furnishings, along with innovative textile trends for interior decoration in the home, office and restaurant sector.
You also shouldn’t miss “Open House Valencia 2022”, on October 22nd and 23rd, in which the most iconic buildings in the city will open their doors for you to immerse yourself in their architectural designs featuring art, aesthetics and functionality.
These are just some of the magnificent exhibitions on design that you will be able to find. You can even participate in enriching workshops and conferences. At World Design Capital Valencia 2022, there are so many meeting points and Unique experiences for design enthusiasts. You can check out the full event schedule here.
Get ready to experience and feel art at its best, get ready to experience and feel the essence of València.
See you there!